Fresh Bucks E-Benefits Launch
With an eye toward sustainability and ease of use, the City of Seattle’s Fresh Bucks program decided to transition Fresh Bucks to an electronic benefits card. The intent was to make using and accepting Fresh Bucks benefits easier for both customers and vendors, while reducing any stigma that customers may feel while using paper vouchers. The electronic benefits platform also reduced waste from printing and mailing paper vouchers every month and decreased the potential for fraud.
The Challenge
It also posed significant challenges, as over 12,000 customers would need to learn how to use the electronic benefits card. Many of Fresh Bucks’ customers speak a language other than English as their native language, and some do not consider themselves to be tech savvy.
Thanks to our previous work with the Fresh Bucks program, the city contracted Trio Group to develop and implement a comprehensive marketing and outreach strategy in support of the program’s new electronic benefits card. We worked closely with the entire Fresh Bucks team to build the marketing strategy, communications plan, and marketing materials from the start. This occurred while simultaneously managing the printing, storage, insertion, and mailing of paper Fresh Bucks vouchers in 14 languages to just under 14,000 customers each month.
Comprehensive program marketing
Our work included building a brand identity system based on an updated logo that Fresh Bucks provided from another vendor; messaging and outreach strategy to communicate the value of the new e-benefits to Fresh Bucks’ customers; development of customer- and vendor-facing materials including printed materials, social media content, and instructional videos; a brand-new website with information in English and Spanish; vendor signage for both farmers markets and retail applications; and branded promotional products. Additionally, it was important for us to represent the many communities that Fresh Bucks serves not only with in-language materials, but also with photos of diverse people.
Brand Identity
We began by building a brand identity system based on a logo design by Yesler that Fresh Bucks provided. We proposed a bright gem-tone palette based on the colors you’d find at the farmers market. To extend the visual identity system and provide additional information for those who prefer a language other than English, we designed a series of custom icons to communicate core Fresh Bucks program concepts.
Clean icons communicate important program details including what customers can buy with Fresh Bucks.
Communications & Messaging
Changing people’s minds and practices requires an understanding of their motivations and a clear plan. We utilized a story-based process to craft a messaging strategy that connected to Fresh Bucks customers’ desire to care for their families with food while introducing a new way to do so, the Fresh Bucks electronic benefits card.
Print Materials
From brochures and letterhead to program notification letters and signage, we extended the new Fresh Bucks brand across all customer touch points. 44% of Fresh Bucks customers prefer a language other than English. To meet their needs, almost all of the customer-facing materials were translated into eight priority languages.
Website Design & Development
The central hub of our marketing campaign and the Fresh Bucks e-benefits launch was an updated website built on WordPress. Featuring bright hero images of people enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables and a mobile-friendly design, the new site offers program information in both English and Spanish. Additionally, an interactive map of Fresh Bucks retailers makes it easy for customers to find a nearby farmers market, independent grocer, or supermarket that accepts Fresh Bucks.
Animated Explainer Video
We knew we needed to share how to use the new Fresh Bucks electronic benefits with customers in a wide range of media. In addition to the website, customers can use the Healthy Savings app to access and manage their account. We knew a video would be an excellent way to familiarize customers with the process and using the website or app to use their benefits.
The program launch successfully transitioned all Fresh Bucks customers to the electronic benefits card and received positive feedback from customers, vendors, and partner organizations for the way it clearly communicated the value of the new electronic benefits. Our work also helped Fresh Bucks maintain its mission of serving black, indigenous, and people of color; in 2021, 70% of Fresh Bucks customers identified as a member of those communities.