A well-designed website is a critical part of your business’ marketing strategy. Yet as your business grows and challenges arise, business operators often face shortages of time and money, leaving the website to age. Sometimes the website is an afterthought that was put together a few years ago and hasn’t really been touched since.
The most effective small business website is a dynamic, powerful online tool that works for you to attract new customers and validate your expertise. It should serve as the hub of your entire marketing strategy, where all roads point back to your online home. If your client list isn’t growing as well as you’d like, if you’re feeling uninspired by your web presence, or you’re unhappy with the diminishing returns of your website investment, these six strategies for a world-class website are for you.
By attending this session you’ll be able to:
Explain how your website is the most valuable asset in your marketing toolkit
Evaluate your current website for what’s working well and what needs improvement.
Develop a plan to improve your existing website that won’t break your budget