Trio Group uses cutting-edge AR tech in cloud-based print and mail applications
Cloud based print and mail applications give Trio Group the ability to “invite” our client’s creative teams into one-to-one mailing environment processes. We do this by creating specific image and message communications driven by mined data. This motivates the recipient’s behavior by personalizing the communications.
By using cloud-based mailing applications, we can target specific individuals with personalized information tailored to their demographic. Think of the film Minority Report (2002), as the main character walks through a retail environment and is shown real-time personalized advertisements when a computer scans his identity. Now, this is no longer science fiction. Trio Group can integrate and enhance print and mailing campaigns using Augmented Reality (AR).
Scanning the photo on the Construction Center of Excellence student handbook with a mobile device brings up digital imagery layered over the real-world page.
When users download an AR app onto mobile devices like phones or tablets, the software uses the device’s camera to layer digital images over real-world objects. Trio Group used AR digital interfaces to great advantage when designing student handbooks for the Construction Center of Excellence program at Renton Technical College.
We at Trio Group are excited about using cutting-edge Augmented Reality technology to deliver integrated print, mail, and digital communications.
- Jeff Quint, Principal at Trio Group